25 Positive Affirmations of Good Emotional Health - Instant Download Printable
25 Positive Affirmations of Good Emotional Health
Raise your vibration, reduce negative thinking, stimulate positive thoughts, motivate yourself to change behaviors, and encourage happiness with affirmations.
The goal is to fully connect with each statement by practicing these positive mental repetitions with feeling to reprogram your thinking. The stronger you feel about the statement you’re making, the more impact it has on your psyche, similar to the more you exercise, the stronger your muscles become.
Suggested Uses:
· Target areas, behaviors or beliefs you struggle with.
· Add to your morning / evening meditations or prayers.
· Tweak the list to be more meaningful and personal to you.
· Use the list to brainstorm your own credible and achievable affirmations.
· Gain more impact alongside other strategies (e.g. visualization or goal-setting techniques).
· Frame and place on your desk for quick reference.
· Tape to a private wall space.
· Have them pop up in your notifications.
Be intentional about repeating the affirmations to yourself regularly, several times a day, and allow positive self-talk to become a normal part of your daily life.
NOTE: These affirmations are for guidance only. Readers should see qualified health professionals over concerns of related illness or if negative thoughts are causing significant/persistent unhappiness.
• Digital download for personal use only. • Digital file type(s): 1 PDF • Width: 8 inches • Height: 10 inches